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Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2014

Health benefits of Cardamon

Its range of health benefits : 1. it fights against gas and also, helps to relieve gas & heart burn; 2. it gives quick relief for headache (apply it's paste over forehead); 3. it helps to protect against heat stroke (try chewing a cardamom, when exposing under the sun); 4. it provides as a good breath freshener because of its fragrance; 5. it helps to detoxify caffeine; 6. it is beneficial to respiratory disorders, including sore throat; 7. it helps in asthma and whooping-cough; 8. it has good anti-spasmodic abilities (stopping spasms & tremors); 9. it helps in stimulating & regulating the 'discharge' of gastric juices and balances stomach acids; 10. it helps to maintain healthy teeth gum & tooth infections; 11. it supports the detoxification process of the body; 12. it helps to resolve urination problems; 13. it warms the respiratory tract & enhances circulation to the lungs; 14. it helps to reduce stomach cramps; 15. it helps in improving voices; 16. ...

How to remove Gallstones Without Surgery ?

This is a 6 Days Method, formulated by Dr Lai Chiu-Nan of China, which has proven effectiveness for many patients. Gallstones may not be everyone’s concern but may lead to cancer. We all have them (big or small, many or few). “Cancer is never the 1st illness. There are a lot of other problems leading to cancer. I came across some materials stating that people with cancer usually had stones”, said Dr Lee of China. One symptom of gallstones is a feeling of bloatedness after a heavy meal as if you can’t digest the food. If it gets more serious, you feel pain in the liver area”. Dr Lee offers the apple juice treatment which is good for those with a weak liver. Liver and gallbladder are closely linked. 1) Drink 1 glass (250ml) 100% apple juice 4 times a day for 5 days. 1 glass at breakfast, 1 glass at lunch, 1 glass at dinner & 1 glass before going to bed. It softens the gallstones. Eat normally. 2) On the 6th day, skip dinner. At 6pm, take a teaspoon of Epsom salt (magnesium sulphate) ...

How To Get Rid Of Bloating Fast With Natural Home Remedies

Before you try to get rid of bloating, it is better to first identify the cause of bloating. Bloating is a disorder in digestion because of gas gathered in the stomach or intestines stomach discomfort. These disorders can also be a sign or symptom of other diseases. Bloating can be caused by various factors, such as stomach ulcers, intestinal obstruction, the digestive process is not perfect,

Amazing Mangosteen Benefits From The Flesh And Skin (Peel)

One of the amazing mangosteen benefits is to prevent cancer, not only that, fruit that has binomial name Garcinia mangostana is also gives benefits to maintain digestive health. Fiber content can help the intestine to absorb nutrients better, making the process more smoothly sewerage and bowel movements become irregular. For the long term, the mangosteen fruit can help you lose weight more

Cauliflower Nutrition & Calories Content, Vegetable Rich In Antioxidant As Antidote To Cancer

Cauliflower contains many nutrients and antioxidants that can maintain a healthy body. Start of manganese, vitamin C, beta-carotene, and others. Eating cauliflower regularly could protect the body from free radicals and helps lower the risk of diseases such as heart disease and cancer. Moreover, cauliflower also contain substances that can increase the liver's ability to overcome toxic

9 Amazing Benefits Of Comsuming Cauliflower For Health

Consuming cauliflower regularly will provide health benefits, such as, inhibiting the growth of cancer cells, maintain a healthy heart and so on. This is because, cauliflower is a source of nutrients, such as vitamin C, folate, vitamin K, vitamin B complex (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin), and a small amount of vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol).  Several studies have shown that cauliflower

Corn Nutrition & 9 Surprising Benefits For Health (Start From Prevent Cancer Up To Keep Heart Health)

Corn is a rich source of fiber and essential nutrients that provide many health benefits, such as, heart health, cancer prevention, good for pregnant women and so on. Corn (Zea mays L.) is one of the world's most important food crops, in addition to wheat and rice. As a major source of carbohydrates in Central and South America, corn is also an alternative source of food in the United States.

Watermelon Nutrition, Calories Content & 7 Magnificent Benefits

Watermelon, low calories, rich in nutrition and saves so many health benefits. Red color in watermelon, indicates that fruit that has binomial name Citrullus lanatus is rich in vitamins, minerals, potassium, beta-carotene, vitamin C and fiber needed by the body. The most amazing benefits is, researchers said, watermelon has effects like viagra. It is based on a study led by Dr. Bhimu Patil of

All Facts About Eggplant Nutrition And Incredible Benefits For Health

Eggplant contains a lot of nutrition, such as vitamins and minerals. That is why, eggplant is very beneficial to human health. Vegetables that have a binomial name Solanum melongena, also can treat diseases such as measles, chicken pox, alcohol dependence and burns. In Korea, dried eggplant is often used to treat diseases such as rheumatism, lumbago and stiff hips. Even eggplant also has certain

Facts About Strawberry Nutrition And 10 Miraculous Benefits For Health

Apparently, strawberries contain more nutrients when compared to oranges. The highest strawberry nutrition is Vitamin C, which in every 100 gr contained 58.8 mg of vitamin C. This mean, if we consume 100 gr oranges, will meet our daily requirement of vitamin C as mush as 71%. While in orange only meet 64% in the same size of weight. Not only that, fruit that has binomial name Fragaria × ananassa

Apple Nutrition And 7 Amazing Health Benefits From Restore Stamina Up To Prevent Cancer

As a healthy fruit, apples are rich in nutritional content, but the most dominant are the vitamins. There are many vitamins contained in apples, such as vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin B9 and vitamin C. While the minerals contained in apples include calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, and zinc. Fiber is also owned by the apple, so apple is good for

10 (Sweet) Oranges Nutrition, Calories Content And Magnificent Health Benefits

The most popular orange nutrition is Vitamin C, not many people knows that orange saves many other nutrients content such as vitamin B9, B5, and several minerals such as potassium, magnesium and so on. That is why, oranges fruit will gives us several magnificent benefits for health such as prevent cancer, increase body immunity, prevent diabetes and many more. Orange is one of the most popular

14 Amazing Forgotten Benefits of Pineapple and Nutrition Facts

Apparently, pineapple nutrition can gives many health benefits for the human body, even in some countries, fruit that has a binomial name Ananas comosus, used as a cure for several diseases, such as inflammation of the skin, constipation and several other diseases. You should know that, pineapple provides half of daily vitamin C needs for human per 100 gr. Another high pineapple nutrition based

List Of Magnesium Rich Foods That Should Available In Your Daily Menu

People who consume magnesium rich foods, such as green leafy vegetables, nuts, and whole grains, less exposed to the risk of stroke. This is revealed in the international analysis involving 250 thousand people whose results were published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The two main magnesium benefits is, for the formation of bone and muscle relaxation and nerve tissue. In the

10 Magnificent Health Benefits of Carrots And Nutrition Facts (Prevent Diabetes Up To Reduce Stroke)

So far, the only well-known benefits of carrots is to maintain healthy eyes. When in fact, carrot nutrition saves many other benefits for human health, such as, reduce stroke, prevent cancer, prevent diabetes and so on. Based on daily people nutritional needs, the highest carrots nutrition is vitamin A which reach 104 % per 100 gr. This mean, if you eat carrots 100 gr regularly everyday, you

Broccoli Nutrition Facts and 10 Amazing Benefits For Health (Prevent Heart Attack And More)

Nutrients contained in broccoli, such as several vitamins, minerals and many other chemical compound, has various amazing health benefits. You must be never thought that, the highest broccoli nutrition is vitamin C, which has  almost two times more that Vitamin C content in orange. And in fact, broccoli is referred to as the vegetables are full of health benefits. Plants that have a Latin name

9 Magnificent Benefits of Asparagus and Nutrition Facts (Preventing Birth Defects Up To Prevent Cancer)

There are various magnificent benefits of asparagus for human health, due to it's nutrition content. Asparagus has been used since ancient times as a food ingredient because it tastes delicious and health benefits of its diuretic properties. Not only that, there are several asparagus nutrition that also has benefits for our health such as calcium, potassium, vitamin A, D and E as well as a

15 Incredible Avocado Benefits For Health And Beauty

Know the benefits of avocado fruit for health and beauty. Avocado has been known as healthy foods/fruits in this planet. This is due to avocado nutrition that can be said almost complete such as, vitamins and minerals. Not only for consumption, avocado flesh is often also used as a raw material for cosmetic facial and body smoothing, to control oil production and prevent premature aging. With

9 Amazing Benefits Of Pears & All Nutrition Facts

Pears nutrition gives so many benefits for health such as, good for heart health, prevent alzheimer and many more. As an antioxidant fruit, pear is not include as high calories fruit even there are quite amount of it. Because based on USDA National Nutrient data base, calories in a medium sized pear (6.3 oz) contained 103 calories or equal to 432 kJ. Meanwhile, calories in a cup of pear (canned

Banana Nutrition And 11 Magnificent Benefits That You Never Thought Before

Banana is rich in nutrition, therefore, banana provides many benefits for human health. Banana is a tropical fruit that is a favorite of many people. In addition to the sweet taste, bananas are also rich in vitamins and minerals, can be eaten directly or processed into a variety of delicious dishes. Considering the nutritional content of bananas are rich, it is recommended that you put this

10 Main Benefits Of Green Tea Both For Health And Beauty

Benefits of green tea to the brain has been proven through a study conducted at Newcastle University, UK. This study investigated the effects of chemicals produced by polyphenolic compounds (antioxidants bitter flavoring contained in green tea when it is digested by the body). But whether the other green tea benefits have been through the study of the experts, or just a unilateral claim? Let's

12 Amazing Benefits Of Grapes For Health and Beauty

Grapes has many health benefits, because Grapes rich in antioxidants such as vitamins A and C. Grapes also contain calcium, iodine, manganese, potassium, zinc, selenium, and natural sugars like dextrose and glucose (read at grapes calories & nutrition facts). Grapes have Latin name Vitis vinifera or Vitis labrusca, this fruit including fruit plants such as creeping shrubs belonging to the family