Dust off that slow cooker ( crock pot) and get ready to make a light, simple, and delicious sweet and cinnamon-y butternut squash soup. Nothing says fall like butternut squash! If you are not ready for soup yet, pin this recipe for later. Or better yet, make it now and FREEZE it for that first surprise really cold wet damp day. You'll be prepared with a tasty and healthy warming homemade soup! This soup has an incredible flavor that both children and adults will love! Cinnamon, coconut sugar, vanilla almond milk swilled into this rich butternut squash and apple base made in the slow cooker!! Need I say more??? My CSA farm supplied me some butternut squash after I had already loaded up at Trader Joe's making my stash four large squashes in total! I decided to cook and freeze butternut squash soup this week. I made two butternut squash soups- one savory ( click here Butternut rosemary soup) and one sweet- both are vegan and gluten free. Today I am s...