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Cinnamon Apple Butternut Soup ( slow cooker)

Dust off that slow cooker ( crock pot) and get ready to make a light, simple, and delicious sweet and cinnamon-y butternut squash soup. Nothing says fall like butternut squash! If you are not ready for soup yet, pin this recipe for later.  Or better yet, make it now and FREEZE it for that first surprise really cold wet damp day. You'll be prepared with a tasty and healthy warming homemade soup!

This soup has an incredible flavor that both children and adults will love! Cinnamon, coconut sugar, vanilla almond milk swilled into this rich butternut squash and apple base made in the slow cooker!! Need I say more???

My CSA farm supplied me some butternut squash after I had already loaded up at Trader Joe's making my stash four large squashes in total! I decided to cook and freeze butternut squash soup this week.

I made two butternut squash soups- one savory ( click here Butternut rosemary soup)  and one sweet- both are vegan and gluten free. Today I am sharing the recipe for the sweeter version which is really delicious.

You do have to peel the squash, but I promise you if you have the right tool, peeling the squash is easy. Using my new vegetable peeler that I ordered online,  I was able to peel a large squash in under a minute without any struggle. The skin seemed to glide right off and quickly. OXO Good Grips Y Peeler
I peeled my large squash in 45 seconds with this sharp
OXO Good Grips Y Peeler.
It's the fastest and best peeler I've ever used

Cut in half , scoop out the seeds and chop into pieces 
Butternut squash can be somewhat sweet, so I decided to sweeten up this soup even a little bit more with some apple, cinnamon, and a little *coconut sugar ( see below).  I used my slow cooker for ease and blended the finished product with my immersion blender when it was done producing a creamy delicious soup.  I added the spices at the end and optional coconut or vanilla unsweetened almond milk. ( I chose the vanilla unsweetened almond milk was acutally exceptional in the soup!!)

Author:  Judee Algazi of Gluten Free A-Z Blog
Prep Time: 10- 15 minutes
Cook Time:  4 hours on high in the slow cooker


6 cups of butternut squash, chopped ( about a 3/4 of a large squash)
1 cup of carrot, sliced ( about 2 carrots)
2 ( any) apples, cored, peeled and quartered
8 cups of water
cinnamon to taste
coconut sugar to taste ( available at Trader Joe's or any health food store- lower glycemic)
optional: slightly warmed coconut or almond milk added to each bowl when serving.

Optional: Garnish: chopped apple tossed in cinnamon, coconut sugar,  and chopped pecans or toasted pumpkin seeds (Make your own pumpkin seed tutorial)  like I did.


Peel and chop the butternut squash. Use 6 cups for this recipe and place into the slow cooker. Add the apple, carrots and the water. Cover and slow cook on high for 4 hours or low for 6. When everything is soft, turn off the slow cooker, remove the lid and blend with an immersion blender or in your blender. Taste it and then add cinnamon ( about a Tablespoon is what I used) and coconut sugar to taste ( I used about 2 Tablespoons).
If you like a creamed soup, add a little warmed coconut or almond milk to your taste to each bowl or to the entire soup. I used vanilla unsweetened flavor of almond milk..and it was the Bomb!

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Food is my passion. I am gluten intolerant, busy. and strive for a healthy balanced lifestyle. It has taken me many years to develop and discover easy healthy recipes that meet gluten free, vegetarian and real food standards. On my blog I share my journey, my struggles, my discoveries, and my new recipes. I hope you find ideas, resources, and recipes that will be helpful to you. Come Back soon.

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