Raising children is not always easy. Do you get into power struggles or just don't know how to diffuse an argument? I just read a book that helps parents learn strategies to keep peace and harmony in their home and in all relationships. Guess who it starts with? The parent .. All of us have our own issues and baggage, hopes and dreams for our kids. It's often our very own expectations, hopes, and fears, that can exasperate relationships. I just love the book called The Conscious Parent written by Dr. Shafali Tsabary, A New York clinical psychologist who uses a mix of Eastern and Western philosophy to find ways to explore our relationship with own self so we can ultimately improve all of our relationships- Her book deals with one of the most intimate relationships, parenting, but her ideas help us to transform ourselves first -so we can empower our children. No matter what the age of your kids, you can benefit from this book. I watched her video with Oprah and an i...