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Baking Soda- Miracle Cure ?

Baking Soda is a simple product that just about everyone keeps in his or her kitchen.  A small container can cost under one dollar. I've always used baking soda ( bicarbonate of soda) in my refrigerator to absorb odor and to help my muffins rise! - but I never knew it could help balance your PH and improve your health.

 Well, I'm finding out that bicarbonate of soda can also play a role in helping us lower our risk of disease like diabetes and even some cancers. 

Today I received an E-mail from Dr. Josh Axe ( a chiropractor on line that I follow)  who has a website with lots of informative health information.

Dr. Josh Axe 

His post was about the vast amount of ways one can use baking soda both medicinally and for non toxic cleaning in the house. The list was really interesting and helpful. I would have never have guessed how useful and versatile this inexpensive product can be and how beneficial for one's health.

Here are a few of the simple examples that he suggests using baking soda,

Some very basic uses:

  • for stomach pain
  • digestive problems
  • bloat and gas
  • neutralizes acid in the body
  • balances body ph necessary to fight disease
  • helps reduce symptoms of gout
  • shortens length of colds and flu, coughs, sore throats
  • helps with urinary tract infections
  • helps muscle pain 
  • promotes kidney health
  • a body with a balanced ph fights disease better
  • insect bites
  • poison ivy 

In addition to the benefits for health, baking soda is a great non toxic cleaner for the house . Read his post to learn how much to use, how to use it, and look through lots of additional ideas,

33 surprising uses for baking soda   ( Dr. Axe) 

For Disease and health: 
Dr. Young says you can REVERSE DISEASE by alkalizing the ph of your body ( baking soda can help do that) 

 It can also be used in serious illness too which is explained in Dr. Robert Young's video. 

Dr. Young explains how important it is to balance the ph for reversing diabetes and for weight loss.*Dr. Robert Young has written many books on PH balance and how important it is in 
(reversing) diabetes and even cancer. His video is very interesting. I linked one of his 8 minute youtube videos about reversing diabetes. Worth watching it!

Video about baking soda, ph, and reversing diabetes ( Dr. Young)

Video more about diabetes and alkalizing ( Dr. Young)

Disclaimer: This post is for educational purposes only. I am not a medical doctor and I am not trying to diagnose or treat disease. I have no affiliation with these links and do not benefit in any way from the links from Dr. Axe or video links from Dr. Young.

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    Good food is my passion. I am gluten intolerant, busy. and strive for a healthy balanced lifestyle. It has taken me many years to develop and discover easy healthy recipes that meet gluten free, vegetarian/vegan and real food standards. On my blog I share my journey, my struggles, my discoveries, and my new recipes. I hope you find ideas, resources, and recipes that will be helpful to you. Come Back soon.

  • Author: Judee Algazi

     Please leave a comment so I know you stopped by. I love comments and love to be introduced to your blog. I usually visit and follow your blog on G+ , Bloglovin, and Twitter. Thanks for stopping by. To Comment: Scroll down to the end of the post and click on comments

  • Disclaimers: 
  • The information on this blog is for educational purposes only. Always check with your doctor before making changes to your diet.
  • I am an affiliate for Amazon and receive a very small compensation when you buy anything from Amazon by clicking on to Amazon from my blog - This helps me defray the cost of my blog expenses. Thank you for your support.

    My notes: Be sure to use a baking soda that is aluminum free.

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