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Watermelon Limeade is simply Blissful

watermelon limeade in martini glasses

There is no getting around it, this recipe for fresh watermelon limeade is an all natural drink that is beautiful to look at and blissful to drink. I made my drinks without alcohol, but you could easily add some light rum if you like and then call them cocktails. Whatever you choose, the finished product will be outrageously delicious! 

watermelon limeade drink with a wedge of lime

With a strong blender, I can make these in just minutes using three real food ingredients: watermelon, fresh organic lime, and raw organic honey. It sounds like it would be terribly sweet, but it wasn't. I used a quarter of a fresh organic lime including the rind which pulverized completely in my Vitamix. I think that is what gave it a tarter flavor!

Don't leave out the honey
I thought about leaving out the honey, because watermelon is already sweet, but the honey imparted  a lovely flavor. I only used a teaspoon of local raw honey per 2 drinks.
Raw honey offers a powerhouse of nutritional benefits. Because it is not heated, the healthy enzymes and other nutrients are not destroyed ( like it is in regular honey). Also, honey is alkaline which helps with our ph! Aside from the  nutritional benefits, it does add a subtle but lovely flavor to the drinks so I highly suggest leaving it in even though the watermelon is sweet.

watermelon limeade drinks

I also love how the drinks separate and are light and frothy on the top and a beautiful deep pink color on the bottom. What a lovely presentation for any summer party. Decorate with a small slice of fresh lime on each glass. 

How I scooped my watermelon
First, I cut my watermelon into two halves horizontally.
I scooped out watermelon balls which I did not use for the for this recipe;
we ate them for dessert at dinner.
However, after scooping out the balls with a watermelon baller, the inside of the watermelon half was full of delicious watermelon juice, and there was still plenty of fleshy watermelon scraps remaining.

watermelon balls in a bowl
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.I simply took my little scooper and scraped the melon remains into the remaining juice on both halves of the watermelon. I used the remains plus the juice for this drink.
I felt so frugal as I used every last bit of watermelon and the juice! 
half of a scooped out watermelon
After making the balls, each half was full of juice. I used that juice plus I scraped the remainder of the flesh that you see here to us for the drinks!
How perfect that this beautiful summer drink is naturally gluten free,  low in calories, and contains no fat! If you are vegan,  you can easily substitute a teaspoon or two of agave for the honey!

Watermelon for natural sun protection?

There are specific fruits and vegetables that are known to help protect us against the sun's rays and act a sort of natural skin protection. Watermelon is one of them- It contains 40 times as much of the antioxidant lycopene as a tomato. Read my blogpost on Foods that are natural sun protectors 

Did You Know That You Can Eat the Watermelon Rind
Here is news to me- did you know that watermelon is considered both a fruit and a vegetable and is 91 % water ? Watermelon is related to cucumbers, pumpkins, and squash and according to Dr. Mercola, the watermelon rind is edible and extremely healthy. It can actually be pulverized with some lime in your Vitamix and made a drink. I would probably only use an organic watermelon rind.  I read this information on Dr. Mercola's site if you want more info..

Author: Judee Algazi @ gluten free A-Z Blog
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: none

1 cup of cold watermelon, chopped
1 cup of cold watermelon juice 
1/8 of an organic lime with skin
1 teaspoon of honey ( substitute agave if you are vegan) 
optional: 1-2 shots of rum

Using a powerful blender like a Vitamix, blend all of the ingredients until the lime in pulverized. Pour into martini type glasses, decorate with a wedge of lime and serve!

blender with watermelon limeade in it

My notes: 

Last week Miz Helen at Miz Helen's Country Cottage posted a watermelon lemonade that inspired this me to think about creating a watermelon drink!

1.  Use cold watermelon and juice, or your drinks will be room temperature- which is still tasty. However, cold is more refreshing when it's hot outside !. 
2. Freeze watermelon chunks for an icy cold refreshing drink - Perfect for a hot humid day! . 
To freeze watermelon: Put the chunks in a baggy and freeze overnight. 

Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor nor am I trying to treat or diagnose. I am simply sharing information for educational purposes. Never change your diet without checking with your medical doctor first. 

May be shared on some  of the following blog carnivals from my blog carnival list!


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