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Quick Yellow Squash Recipes for summer entertaining

quinoa and vegetable salad

Got yellow summer squash? Try this easy recipe that can be made into a quick summer soup or a delicious summer salad!

Today I received 5 pounds of golden yellow summer squash from my CSA. In addition, I received 3 pounds of carrots, two different kinds of lettuces, chard, 2 pounds of string beans, a pint of raspberries, lots of cucumbers, 2 eggplants, scallions, etc.

When you belong to a CSA you need to be ready to prep, cook, and freeze on the day you bring everything home. Otherwise, you run the risk of the vegetables deteriorating! I love the simplicity of fresh vegetables right from the farm. They taste so good that they very little seasoning.

whole yellow squash and carrots
From the Farm

yellow squash, carrots, onion for soup
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I decided to cook the carrots and squash together in a large sauté with some onions.  I then divided the sauté in half and made two different recipes from that one sauté.
 Of course both recipes are gluten free and vegan.

cut up summer vegetables in skillet

Recipe 1: Yellow Squash Quinoa Salad ( eaten hot or cold as a quinoa salad)

Recipe 2: Quick Yellow Squash Soup ( eaten hot or cold with some coconut milk)

gluten free summer soup
                             Yellow Squash and Carrot Soup topped with Red Quinoa

You can eat this soup hot or cold. If you eat it cold, add some coconut milk just before serving and leave out the quinoa! I prefer hot soup even in the summer, but on these 98 degree days we've having it's even too hot for me to eat hot soup!!

Yellow squash is in season ( on the East Coast where I live) and starting to show up at the roadside stands, farmer's markets, and of course CSA's. It's a low calorie seasonal vegetable that cooks up fast and adds variety to your meals. Both of the following recipes are quick, easy, and tasty. In addition, they are naturally gluten free, vegan, and provide significant nutrients and fiber.

Health benefits of eating yellow squash
It is recommended to eat a rainbow of colors from fruits and vegetables everyday.
Each color of the rainbow has it unique qualities and provides specific vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that are important for a healthy immune system and healthy body.
What do the yellow colored vegetables like yellow squash and orange carrots provide?
  • Beta Carotene which is Vitamin A - great for your eyes
  • Antioxidants which builds a strong immune system
  • Phytonutrients which are good for the skin 
  • Provides fiber
  • Low in calories and carbohydrates. 
  • High in manganese which assists processing of fats, carbs, and glucose.
Ingredients for Summer Squash Medley
5- 6 cups of sliced summer yellow squash
5 organic carrots , sliced
1 medium onion , sliced in half moons
2 ribs of celery, diced
Olive oil for sautéing ( 2 teaspoons)
salt and cracked fresh pepper to taste

In a large skillet, sauté the onions and carrots in the olive oil until they begin to soften. Add the summer squash, cover, and cook for  about 15 minutes until the squash is cooked. Remove from the skillet and add to a large bowl. Allow to cool. Toss in the raw diced celery and cooked quinoa. Season with salt and pepper to taste for an interesting summer salad! Or you can use the same recipe to make into a quick summer soup with the recipe below.

My notes

  • I use red quinoa because it tends to be less sticky
  • I cook the quinoa in vegetable broth to give it more flavor. 
  • The quinoa is very flavorful, so I do not add additional spices. 
  • If you prefer more spice, add something like Trader Joe's " 21 Salute" or Mrs. Dash's salt free seasonings
  • Add some nuts if you want this salad to be heartier

Ingredients for Quick Summer Squash Soup

4 cups of summer squash medley
4 cups of vegetable broth
optional: 1 cup of coconut or almond milk for cold soup
Optional: for hot soup, top each bowl with cooked red quinoa


Add the sauteed vegetables and the vegetable broth to a Vitamix or strong blender. Whiz until well blended. Pour into a saucepan bring to a boil and turn down to a simmer. Add the "milk"  if desired. Heat until hot and serve. Top with some cooked quinoa. Save for the next day and have it as a cold soup.
My notes:

  • If you would like your soup thicker and heartier, add a half cup of cooked red quinoa to your blender with the squash medley and the broth. I did, and then I still topped it with a tablespoon of quinoa some chopped scallions.

beautiful sunflowers and purple flowers in a vase
I picked these gorgeous flowers at my CSA farm garden!!!
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