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Lemon Salad Dressing that Will Make You Pucker!

Homemade lemon salad dressing

There is something very special about this bold lemon salad dressing. It is made using the entire lemon including the entire lemon peel. The peel really gives it a kick!! It is a refreshingly flavorful dressing that adds a powerful citrusy zing to any salad, vegetable, or rice dish. In our house, we like this tangy dressing on everything.

Blended with olive oil, fresh mint, basil, parsley, red onion and the whole lemon, this sensational dressing has a classic Mediterranean flavor. Interestingly, I recently discovered that the peel of the lemon is extremely rich in nutrients and antioxidants, even more so than the just the juice of the lemon. What a shame that we normally discard the peel when it has so much to offer! But not in this recipe. We use the entire peel ( I use an organic lemon) and it is absolutely delicious, gluten free, and vegan.

How I found out about the nutritional and medicinal value of the lemon peel

Lemon Essential Oil: When I became a Young Living Essential oil distributor, I began learning about each of the essential oils. I was fascinated that the lemon essential oil was made using the peel and it offered so much more benefits than just lemon juice. That is why so many people I know add drops of Young Living Lemon Vitality Essential oil to their water instead of just plain lemon juice when they want to really boost their immune system. Since Young Living Lemon Essential oil is safe to consume( I'm not sure about all other brands), I use it in lemonade, salad dressing, etc. ( to order Young Living Lemon Oil: Visit the Young Living Website)

I did a search on the Internet and confirmed that the peel has 5-10 more times the nutrients than the juice alone. It certainly seems worthwhile to use the peel if you can find organic lemons. I get organic lemons at Trader Joe's by the bag or by the lemon in most supermarkets in their organic department.

Benefits of Lemons
  • Lemons are alkalizing to the body to help maintain a proper ph 
  • Lemons help dissolve toxins in the liver 
  • Lemons are rich in Vitamin C which is needed to produce collagen for anti-aging
  • Lemons are antibacterial  - may help with colds and flu
  • Lemons helps neutralize free radicals to deter disease and aging
I've started to include a half an organic lemon and its peel in my morning smoothies and now I've incorporated the same 1/2 lemon with peel into my salad dressing.

In order to use the entire lemon, you will need to use a very powerful blender like the Vitamix! With a powerful blender, you won't even see the peel since it pulverizes it so well. But you will taste it! It's flavorful and delicious. Some people like to use the sweet Meyer lemons which would be fabulous- but I find any organic lemon works fine and tastes sweet and delicious too.
    How to pick a good lemon

    1. Thin skinned lemons are heavier and contain the highest mineral content. 
    2. Look for lemons that are completely yellow- if they have green patches it is not fully ripened. 
    3. Keep lemons at room temp out of the sun for about a week or they can be stored in the refrigerator for about a month.

    4. The sticker on an organic lemon ( or any organic produce) always begins with the #9
    If you are a lemon lover like we are,  this easy recipe will soon become one of your favorites. Think about the extra antioxidants and vitamins you are adding to your salad with the addition of the nutrient dense lemon peel!

     When you make your own salad dressing, you can be sure it is gluten free and free of preservatives and additives. Homemade dressing can be made in minutes and stored in the refrigerator for 4-5 days.  In addition, it is so much healthier than store bought which is almost always made with soybean oil. What's the problem with soybean oil?-scroll down to the bottom of the page for links with info why soybean oil in commercially processed foods may not be healthy.


    1/2 organic lemon with peel, washed and cut in half
    1/4 cup olive oil
    1/4 cup of organic parsley
    1/4 cup of fresh mint
    1/4 of fresh basil
    1/2 red onion
    1/4 cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice ( in addition)
    1/8 cup of water

    In a powerful blender like a Vitamix , add all ingredients. Run on high until all ingredients are blended very well. Store in the refrigerator and use as needed. Will keep for 3-4 days.

    homemade lemon salad dressing in a bottle

    Why avoid soybean oil
    Why soybean oil is not healthy
    Dangers of soy

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