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5 Minute Energy Balancing Routine

Got 5 minutes? You can align your energy for better focus, concentration and creativity. 

Years ago, I took a weekend energy balancing workshop with Donna Eden at the Institute in Rye in upstate New York. The 3 day class was an in-depth course, and I learned a lot about energy, energy balancing for greater mental focus, and energy techniques for stress management.

At the time, I was a high school teacher,  teaching very bright high school students who had ADD and ADHD.  I was interested in the course to see how this energy work might be applied to helping my students with focus, concentration and relaxation. Donna Eden suggested a simple daily routine of energy balancing exercises to help bring your body back into balance and prepare for mental work!

The routine was easy and when I shared it with my students, some of found the exercises helpful. ( I think they also like the opportunity to have a physical activity to do in the class and a short break for sitting still).

The other day I was perusing Pinterest ( one of my favorite activities), and I came across a post entitled, "5-minute daily routine: Super Brain Yoga - a Donna Eden short version - on YouTube" 

Naturally I was curious to see the routine and sure enough, it was a short video demonstration of a few of the simple techniques that I had previously learned ( and had forgotten about) made into a video featuring those very techniques into a quick 5 minute morning routine exercise. 

I'm so glad I found it because it reminded me how helpful simple energy balancing exercises can be and how easy it is to do a few little exercises each morning upon rising, or as a break when stressed ,or when doing long hours of desk or computer work.

I'm going to add these simple techniques back into my morning routine- 
Do you want to join me? 

Once I have the routine down and I can do it without watching the video,  I like to play yoga or spa music in the background while doing it. Music is a great balancer for me as well.  Below this Youtube video, I also included Donna Eden's routine.

Here is the video

A few days later, I  found a Youtube by Donna Eden that explains each exercise better plus the whys and hows. She also gives 2 additional morning exercises! 

In addition, here is a link to Donna's book


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