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Fire Roasted Eggplant Appetizer

Remember when I posted the tutorial for how to fire roast an eggplant on the stove?
I knew that you would need to know how to do it for this recipe.

Fire roasting an eggplant over an open flame makes the eggplant tender, smoky, and yummy! ( Here's how) !

Then you can  scoop out that eggplant flesh and make a wonderful bowl of Smoky Fire Roasted Eggplant appetizer.

Fire Roasted Eggplant

After fire roasting my eggplant for that blog post, I wanted to use it in a recipe. I was having company for dinner, so I made my smoky eggplant appetizer which is naturally gluten free and so low calories that it is zero smart points on Weight Watchers! ( if you are a WW and like zero smart point recipes, - leave me a comment)

The recipe is quick and easy and the flavors improve the longer they mingle.
It can be served at room temperature, making it easy on the host/hostess!

Vegetables are so important to include in your meals, and they are naturally gluten free. Your mama wasn't kidding when she said, " Eat your vegetables." Our bodies need a good amount daily to provide enough antioxidants, vitamins and minerals to help keep us healthy in a world where we are constantly exposed to harmful toxins in our water, air, and food. Fruits and vegetables are our natural protectors! When they say eat 6-8  fruits or vegetables a day.. This is one way to do it!

Eggplant dips and spreads have always been popular in Mediterranean diets where eggplant is plentiful. Adding lemon juice, tomatoes, and spices enhances the flavor and nutrition of this low calorie, low carb vegetable. Many nutritionists say that the Mediterranean way of eating is one of the healthiest diets for good heart health. ( see Dr. Axe's article for detailed information)

Try it for your next party, you'll like it!!

2 cups of fire roasted eggplant ( Here's how)
1 cup of diced ripe tomatoes sprinkled with 1 teaspoon of cumin
1/4 cup of diced onion ( you could use red onion or scallions)
1/4 chopped cilantro
1 teaspoon of cumin
Juice of one lime

In a large bowl mix the cooked eggplant, tomatoes with cumin, onion, cilantro, and lime.
Mix well with a spoon. Serve on gluten free crackers or corn chips.

Would you ever make this for a party?
 Leave a comment in the comment box on the bottom of the post.

MY notes:
This is a wonderful side for Passover.

I'm a Young Living Essential Oil's Distributor. If you would like to learn more about using Essential Oils, please feel free to contact me at Judee Algazi- Email: Distributor #3329912

Visit the Young Living Website

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