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Horseradish Soup ( Perfect for Passover)

Who ever heard of horseradish soup? Not I .. but once I tasted it , I was hooked.
This intriguing soup is creamy, flavorful, and can be made in 20 minutes ( my kind of soup) .

It is a delightful vegan spring soup made from cauliflower, onions, garlic and potatoes.  The horseradish is added at the end ( if you want to) and adds a little kick and lots of flavor.

Soup for Vegetarian/vegan Passover Seder

For those of us who are vegetarian/vegan, it is always an interesting challenge to find holiday foods that feel traditional, are healthy, taste good and are easy to make. This soup works for Passover!

Having a vegetarian/vegan Passover Seder? I love starting the meal with soup, and this soup is perfect! After all, horseradish is one of the foods on the ceremonial Seder plate and bitter herbs are traditional to eat on Passover. Horseradish commemorates the "bitter tears" that our ancestors shed in Egypt when they were slaves unto the Pharaoh! My mother used to use fresh horseradish root and grated it herself. It was so strong; it really brought out the tears! Today's jarred horseradish is milder and easier to eat. 

The root of the horseradish looks like this; some people make their own horseradish
If you are not a vegetarian or vegan, you can use your leftover horseradish ( from the Seder) to make this soup for lunch during chol hamod .

You won't be disappointed with this soup! It's unusual and delicious!

Horseradish is a Powerhouse of Immunity

In addition, horseradish soup is packed with high antioxidant vegetables ( garlic, onion, cauliflower)  and horseradish itself is a winner when it comes to immunity! Horseradish is high in nutrients and phytochemicals which are known to be immune protectors. No wonder my Russian grandmother lived to 107! Her daily diet included fresh horseradish!

Whether celebrating a holiday or not, this soup is a tasty addition to any meal. I have to admit that I love horseradish, and it is particularly delicious in this flavorful horseradish soup!

Author: Judee Algazi of Gluten Free A-Z blog
Adapted from: A Virtual Vegan
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes
Serves: 4 -6 ( depends on size of bowl) 

1 medium cauliflower , broken into flowerettes ( I used a large bag of frozen cauliflower) 
1 large potato, chopped 
1 medium onion, diced
2 cloves garlic, chopped in half
4 cups of vegetable broth
1 cup water
1 cup of almond milk ( how to make your own from just almonds) 
sea salt and cracked pepper to taste
1 teaspoon of white jarred horseradish to taste
Optional: garnish each bowl with radish slices

In a large soup pot add potatoes, cauliflower, onion, garlic, water, and vegetable broth and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for about 15 minutes until potatoes and cauliflower are soft. Add almond milk, salt,  and cracked fresh pepper to taste. Blend with an immersion blender or transfer to a blender. Taste and add the horseradish ( or don't)  to taste.

My Notes: 

1. I eat this soup without the horseradish- it still tastes good- just different! 
I then call it Creamed Cauliflower soup. If you add the horseradish, go easy- a little goes a long way!

2. Originally, I thought I would leave out the almond milk - it sounded strange to me in this soup, but to my surprise it enhanced the soup and it was better with the almond milk than without it!

3. The original recipe at A Virtual Vegan called for 2 potatoes - I wanted my soup to be less caloric so I substituted a cup of celery and used only one potato. You could add more chopped potato if you like.

4. This is a great cold of flu busting soup as well. Horseradish has powerful antioxidants so make it when you are under the weather as well. I read that horseradish has natural antibiotic properties and helps clear mucos!!!

5. Substitute kohlrabi for the potato. Kohlrabi is a vegetable that tastes very much like a potato, but with much fewer carbs! Kohlrabi would be a great substitute in this soup. I usually get kohlrabi in the fall at my co-op . If you want to read more about kohlrabi, check out my previous post. Kohlrabi ; The low carb potato 

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