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Cuban Black Bean Soup-Spicy and Smoky

This easy recipe is as authentic as it gets for Cuban Black Bean Soup without the meat! The flavors are Cuban, but the soup is vegan. I added smoked paprika to the recipe to give it what otherwise would be the" smoked ham hock" taste. But that's optional- you decide whether to add the smoked paprika or not. The soup will taste great either way- ( just a little different) .

Healthy Soup Recipes for Busy People
Do you like to cook healthy recipes but be in and out of the kitchen quickly? 
This recipe can be assembled in 10 minutes, and you can do other things while the soup is cooking.  Black Beans and the other simple vegetables in the recipe make for a healthy high fiber meal.
There is definitely a reason that black beans are so widely used and so popular in Latin countries.
Satisfying and filling, this soup is perfect for a cold winter day ( or a chilly fall night).

Optional Step:  I Soaked and Cooked My Dry Black Beans
If you want to avoid using cans ( because of BPA and other chemicals in the lining) , then it is important to buy dry beans ( sold in bags in the supermarket) and cook your own. You will need to think about it in advance, but it is so easy.
  • Wash the beans according to directions on the bag
  • Place the beans in a large bowl and cover with water
  • Soak the covered beans over night
  • Rinse off the water in the morning 
  • Place in a large pot and boil for about 1 and half hours until beans are soft

Fastest Method Use Canned Beans If You Are In A Rush
 If you are in a rush, and want to eliminate the soaking and cooking step for the beans,  you could use organic canned black beans! Some organic brands do not contain BPA in the lining.  If you do use canned , this recipe becomes a really quick and easy soup and surprisingly whether you cook your own or use the canned,  either way, the soup tastes just as good!

What are the Heath Benefits of Black Beans ?

  • Packed with antioxidants.The darker a bean, the greater its antioxidant value, making black beans antioxidant superstars even surpassing the antioxidants in oranges! Studies report that  antioxidants help boost our immune systems to help protect against cancer, degenerative disease, and general health.
  • Loaded with fiber. In addition, black beans are loaded with fiber which helps rid toxins from building up in your system by keeping your elimination regular. 
  • Does it Fight Heart disease ? Just one of many available studies was an impressive 19 year study that followed 10,000 persons ( Archives of Internal Medicine). The study found that high fiber foods like black beans, helps prevent heart disease. Eating at least 21 grams of fiber rich foods a day brought down the risk for heart disease by at least 15 %. A cup of black beans provides about 12 grams of heat healthy fiber.
  • Stabilizes Blood sugar  Fiber also helps you maintain healthier glucose metabolism, so the high fiber content of black beans can help maintain healthy blood sugar levels.
  • Provides lots of Minerals. Black beans are a good source of minerals including iron, magnesium, and folates. If you have Celiac, check with your doctor, you may may be low in minerals due to years of poor absorption. ( especially iron)
  • Low in calories and fat- black beans are filling, satisfying and taste great, yet they are low in calories and low in fat. On Weight Watchers, they are  one of the suggested filling foods.

My Cuban Black Bean Soup Recipe
Author: Judee Algazi of Gluten Free A-Z Blog
Prep Time:  10 minutes if using canned beans or previously cooked beans
Cook Time:  45 minutes 
Adapted from :  A recipe on The Kitchen

7 cups of cooked black beans ( make your own like I did or use organic canned beans)
1 cup of chopped green pepper
1 cup of chopped onion
3 cloves of fresh garlic , chopped
1/4 cup of olive oil
cracked black pepper to taste
4 cups of water
6 cups of vegetable broth ( or chicken broth is you are so inclined)
optional: 1 teaspoon smoked paprika ( I got mine at Trader Joe's ) or more to taste
optional: 1 teaspoon chili powder
optional: 1 teaspoon of ground cumin
** If soup cooks down: If you need to add additional water ( see directions) you may also need to add a 1/2 teaspoon of bouillon powder)

Saute the onions, fresh garlic, and green pepper in the olive oil in a soup pot ( on low) .
Add the cooked beans ( use the liquid from the cans or cooking too.
Add the water and vegetable broth. Bring to a boil and simmer for about an hour, stirring occasionally. As it cooks the beans will soften into the soup.
If the liquid begins to cook down and the soup thickens too much, add an additional 2-3 cups of water and a teaspoon of powdered bouillon if needed. Season with black pepper to taste. If you would like the smoky taste, add the smoked paprika add it now and any other optional seasonings.
 See my notes below for additional serving ideas.

These will cook down and almost disintegrate in the soup and the green pepper
flavor will be very mild 

My Notes:
  • For an interesting kick, add 1/3 of a cup of vinegar ( white or apple cider) to the soup during the last 15 minutes of cooking.  
  • I add 1/4 cup of cooked white or brown rice to each bowl before eating
  • I sometimes top each bowl with plain Greek Yogurt or sour cream 
  • Chopped red onion and raw chopped green or red peppers is also a good garnish 
  • Freeze leftover soup for another meal ( freezes well) 
  • If cooking your own black beans, make them the day before
  • Make your rice while the soup cooks or the day before

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