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Low Carb Zucchini Lasagna ( GF)

Are you a lasagna lover? This zucchini lasagna is made with sliced zucchini strips instead of pasta noodles and is absolutely so delicious you will not even miss the noodles.

Quick, Easy, Healthy

But what you'll love most about it is how quick and easy you can prepare it.  You can assemble it the night before and cook it when you get home from work.

It's always a challenge to find healthy recipes for your family that fit into your busy working schedule. This is an easy recipe which cuts down on carbs but not flavor.  Truthfully, this recipe was very fast and easy to make and helped me use up some of the abundance of zucchini that I have right now. How much zucchini do you have ??

Loaded with Zucchini ?

I received 8 medium-large organic green and yellow zucchini from my CSA farm. It was truly a challenge to eat them all before they went bad. So, I made a variety of zucchini dishes this week. Each recipe was different from the others, and each was really delicious!
 Zucchini is low calorie, low carb, and very diverse as you can see.

We enjoyed the following recipes this week: 

However despite my zucchini frenzy, I still had 2 nice size zucchini left. 

So, I took out my mandolin slicer ( love it)  and quickly sliced up the remainder of my zucchini into thin strips. I didn't even pre cook the strips. I just lined them uncooked in a pyrex pie plate, layered in some ricotta cheese mixture, some more zucchini slices, some marinara sauce and some shredded cheese. Baked my lasagna for 55 minutes and enjoyed a meal for dinner!

I actually made two of lasagnas and put cooked broccoli raab in one of them .
I'm froze that one !
You could add any cooked veggies of your choice-
The prep for the recipe is a very fast and easy and it then bakes for about an hour

Author: Judee Algazi - Gluten Free A-Z Blog
Prep Time: 10-12 minutes
Cook Time: 50-60 minutes ( depending on your oven)
Pre-heat : 350 degrees


1 medium/large zucchini, sliced thin ( I used a mandolin slicer)
2 cups of ricotta cheese
1/4 cup chopped parsely
1 egg, beaten
1/2 -3/4 cup of marinara sauce
1 cup of shredded cheese ( I used cheddar - could use mozzarella)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Mix ricotta cheese, egg, parsley and 1/4 cup of the marinara sauce in a medium bowl and set aside.
Spray a 9 inch pyrex pie plate with cooking spray and then line thin zucchini slices to cover the bottom of a 9 inch pyrex pie pan.
Spread  the zucchini with the ricotta cheese mixture.
Spread the ricotta cheese layer with another layer of zucchini slices.
Spread the remaining 1/4 cup of marinara sauce over the layer of zucchini and cover with the shredded cheese. Bake in 350 degree preheated oven for 50-60 minutes.

Make this layer twice
End with cheese topping; then bake

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