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After School Blueberry Mug Muffin

Blueberry muffin and fresh blueberries

Need a quick but healthy after school snack? Make a fresh gluten free blueberry mug muffin in the microwave in 3 minutes that is light, airy, and heavenly. It is so fast and easy anyone can make it ( even your kids) . You just need a mug and a spoon for mixing to create this amazing nutritious muffin with lots of warm melted blueberries oozing throughout a simple vanilla or cocoa based muffin.

The ingredients are healthy too ( coconut flour, coconut sugar, almond milk, banana,  egg, vanilla and fresh blueberries) Vegans can use egg replacer.
** coconut flour is available in Trader Joe's or any health food store.

Since it's made with high fiber coconut flour, it is very filling,  satisfying and good for you. It's perfect for a healthy breakfast or an after school snack.

Yesterday, I had a snack attack! I needed/wanted something sweet. I wanted a snack BUT I had NOTHING in the house . As I started to rummage through the pantry, I noticed a bag of coconut flour.

It was then that I remembered that I once posted a recipe for a 3 minute cake in mug using coconut flour.I was ecstatic because I remembered how good the mug cake tasted and how fast it was to make ( 3 minutes)

I didn't even bother to look up the recipe. I just gathered whatever I had in the refrigerator and used it. It was a new concoction, but you know what? It came out better than good. It came out great.

I was so happy.. I had a delicious gluten free muffin healthy snack that I made in literally minutes. AAh.. relief!
By the way- it was grain free, gluten free, and 4 points plus on Weight Watchers and it was a a very good size- I actually could have eaten only half.

Who wants to make or needs an entire tray of blueberry muffins anyway? Make a fresh one each time you need it..

Try some other heavenly variations. 

  • Chopped apples, walnuts, and cinnamon 
  • Raspberries and blueberries mixed
  • 1 Tablespoon of cocoa and blueberries or any fruit
  • Chopped strawberries 
  • Chopped peaches 
  • Chocolate chips ( my favorite)
  • Blueberries and fresh lemon zest
  • pumpkin puree and pumpkin pie spice mix ( with chocolate chips) 

Author: Judee Algazi from Gluten Free A-Z Blog
Prep Time: 2 minutes
Cook Time: 3 minutes in microwave oven
Serves: 1 hungry snacker or two moderate snackers

This is what I used: ( and made it right in the mug)

1 egg, beaten ( or egg replacer)
1/2 banana, mashed ( mash it lightly with a fork before adding to the beaten egg in the mug)
1 Tablespoon of unflavored unsweetened almond milk ( or any milk)
1 heaping Tablespoon of coconut flour ( if you use a different flour, leave out the milk)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon of cocoa ( optional)
10-12  blueberries, washed and dried well
1/4 teaspoon of baking powder ( aluminum free)

This is what I did:

I beat the egg in the mug, added the mashed banana, almond milk, vanilla, and stirred well. I then mixed together the baking powder and coconut flour and stirred it into the wet ingredients in the mug. I then added the blueberries and stirred lightly. That's it
I  placed the mug into the microwave for 3 minutes. ( OK- I don't usually like to microwave- but this was only 3 minutes and OMG it came out so so good!)

The batter puffed up in the mug, became very light and fluffy, and made a divine nutritious quick gluten free snack for one person. Actually it could be cut into two portions.

Please note: Microwave ovens may vary- if yours is very strong, it may only take 2 and 1/2 minutes!

blueberry muffin batter
Batter in the mug before microwaving

Microwaved blueberry muffin in a  mug
3 minutes in the microwave -done

dirty empty mug from baking

large grain free blueberry muffin
Perfect Fresh Heavenly Blueberry Muffin 
Made in the Microwave in 3 minutes 

My notes: This  makes a very moist muffin. If you like a dryer muffin, leave out the almond milk. I've actually made this kind of recipe before without eggs. I substituted coconut oil instead. Of course the egg version is lighter, but you could try an egg replacer. Some people say a Tablespoon of chia seeds with a Tablespoon on water is equivalent to one egg ( check it online) or my friend Vicki buys egg replacer in the health for store in a box.

  • Also: remember that when you use high fiber coconut flour it requires much more liquid for baking than regular or even gluten free flours. So, if you use a regular gluten free flour mix- you won't need as much liquid- perhaps omit the almond milk.
  • Also: You may have noticed that my batter is darker in the photo . It is because I added some cocoa to that batch-( I made a few of these with all different combinations) Why stop at one

My notes: Update on the recipe-
I've been eating this muffin daily and have tweaked the recipe a little to make it quicker. I've simply been using 1 egg, vanilla , 1/2 mashed banana, and 1 large tablespoon coconut flour and lots of raspberries or blueberries. It comes out just as good but a little dryer, which I like better.
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