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Pot Luck Dinner Recipe

Closeup bowl of Mexican Bean Bake

Sometimes you just need a simple recipe to bring to a family gathering or pot luck dinner.
It doesn't get much easier or economical than this delicious Mexican Bean Bake.
All you have to do is assemble the ingredients, bake, and bring. It serves at least 8 decent size portions and is very tasty and satisfying. It's a meal in itself and can be served with gluten free chips, sour cream or Greek yogurt, and cut up veggies.

I'm on my way to a pot luck dinner right now at the farm for my CSA. I've never attended one before, but I'm guessing it's a nice way to meet other like minded people who want to eat organic and healthy meals. The weather is beautiful, so we are looking forward to eating outside in the country.

Even though the farm is just 20 minutes from our house, my husband says the air just smells better on the farm.

I actually posted a similar version of this recipe when I first started blogging, but it didn't get a lot of visibility, so I decided to share it again now. I did modify the recipe as it has evolved over the past 2 years. Although it is a vegetarian recipe , you could easily omit the cheese out and make it vegan.

It really is a great recipe! I don't make it often, but when I do everyone loves it.
Pin it for a future pot luck, BBQ, or family dinner. Can be eaten over rice or quinoa!

2 16 oz cans of organic pinto beans, drained ( or make your own beans 2 cans = 4 cups cooked beans)
2 16 oz cans of organic black beans, drained ( or make your own 2 cans= 4 cups cooked beans)
1 large can of organic chopped organic tomatoes
2 TBSP organic tomato paste
2 teaspoons of cumin
1 tsp garlic powder
salt and pepper to taste
1 cup of shredded cheese of your choice
1 additional cup of shredded cheese for the top
Optional: add corn, hot pepper, red pepper


Preheat oven to 375 degrees

In a large mixing bowl, mix the beans, chopped tomatoes, tomato paste, cumin, garlic powder, salt and pepper. Add 1 cup of shredded cheese and mix. Pour into a 9 inch Pyrex, top with additional cheese and bake for 40 minutes. Remove from oven, allow to cool somewhat and pack and go.. I have a flat strong basket that I use to transport cooked food. 

Pyrex bowl filled with Mexican beans and Cheese

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Photo from Gluten Free A-Z BlogFood is my passion. I am gluten intolerant, busy. and strive for a healthy balanced lifestyle. It has taken me many years to come up with easy healthy recipes that meet gluten free, vegetarian and real food standards. On my blog I share my journey, my struggles, my discoveries, and my new recipes. I hope you find ideas, resources, and recipes that will be helpful to you. Come Back soon.

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