It's St. Patrick's Day and I want something green. There is nothing like a green smoothie to help detox, get rid of bloat, and energize the body! Green smoothies are easy to digest, are nourishing and a cinch to make. In honor of St. Patrick's Day in addition to wearing green, why not treat yourself to this delicious green detox! I've said it before- Raw greens are the best choice to help cleanse the body and help alkalize it : Two ingredients needed for weight loss and optimal health. Using smoothies to cleanse is like taking out the garbage . We accumulate toxins through what we eat , digest, and breath. Detoxing helps the body rid toxins and take a burden off the liver ( which is our body's filter; if the liver is clogged, it doesn't work efficiently. I originally saw the recipe for this green detox smoothie in the Nov 25 2013 issue of Woman' s World Magazine. It was a great article about how t...