Toothache is one of the most famous of several diseases and almost everyone has experienced it. The pain of a toothache so real, as if the tooth was throbbing, sometimes accompanied by headache and fever, then becomes very sensitive to noise and irritability. The cause of toothache can be several things, including cavities, cracked, eroded, mostly eating chewing gum, or even infected gums. Below
[Extracted from the webpage of] A pterygium is a fleshy growth that invades the cornea (the clear front window of the eye). It is an abnormal process in which the conjunctiva (a membrane that covers the white of the eye) grows into the cornea. A pinguecula is a yellowish patch or bump on the white of the eye, most often on the side closest to the nose. It is not a tumor but an alteration of normal tissue resulting in a deposit of protein and fat. Unlike a pterygium, a pinguecula does not actually grow onto the cornea. A pinguecula may also be a response to chronic eye irritation or sunlight. Although pterygium and pinguecula sound like mysterious, arcane diseases, they are actually quite common, usually benign eye conditions. These lesions appear as a whitish-yellowish bump or fleshy "growth" on the exposed conjunctiva. If the bump appears only on the white part of the eye, it is called a pinguecula. If it appears to "grow" onto t...
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