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Choice of Stance - Squat or Sit !!!

Thanks to a friend who sent me this interesting article which I had just received by email today, which many individual might not be aware. It is noted that this article was written by Stephanie Relfe (B. Sc) and I hope she agrees to allow me to share her article with everyone !!!

She remarked ......... Try
change your 'stance' while in the toilet, so you can heal constipation and many other health problems.
Read on. It may begin to make sense once you get used to the idea.

Believe it or not, the current toilet seat is a comparatively new invention. It was developed in the Industrial Revolution by people who thought it was more 'dignified' to sit on a 'throne' than the way the natives did. However, many doctors at the time were worried about this causing health problems because it went against nature. If you have ever felt, as many people do, that after you have 'evacuated', there are still something left behind. Here is the reason :

The anal canal is 'unstraightened' when seated. Bowel evacuation when seated, results frequently in obstructive constipation
. However, if one adopts a relaxed 'full squat posture' and the anal canal straightens, this obviously can help to resolve constipation. Months later, other health improvements can also happen, due to your body being free of extra toxins. Incidentally, bladder function may also improve after several months because of an improved pelvic floor nerve supply.

Oncologists have observed that 80% of colon cancers occur in the caecum and the sigmoid colon (the two areas that are not fully evacuated, while in the sitting posture). This causes fecal stagnation and probably explains why colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States. In traditional Asian and African cultures where squatting is the norm, colon cancer is virtually unknown !
Most hemorrhoids will heal without relapse when, upon urge, the squat posture is adopted for bowel movements.
Another serious condition caused by sitting to evacuate instead of squatting, is the leakage of wastes into the small intestine. This affects the ileo-caecal valve, which is considered by modern medicine to be inherently flawed because it is so often leaking.

Ask a
kinesiologist and they will most likely tell you that the ileo-caecal correction is one of the most common corrections that needs to be done. The toxins will get into the bloodstream and hence put more pressure on the liver which has to detox them. Most sufferers usually notice significant comfort improvement within seven days of making this simple change of habit to the squat posture because body wastes pass through the straightened anal canal.
I began to learn all this when I visited India, where I learned to use an Asian toilet ("Eastern toilet"). The first one I saw was in an airport. I went into the cubicle. It was very clean and there was no smell. It all seemed quite strange, but I had been warned. The cubicle was fully lined with tiles. In the middle is a gutter. You squat either side of the gutter and do your stuff. On the side there is a tap and a bucket (no toilet paper). You fill the bucket with water and pour it on yourself to wash yourself clean. Then, if still needed, you pour more water in to wash the waste away, down a hole at the end of the gutter.

A story told by my mother made me realized that this may be more important than we think. Mum said how one day she was out somewhere in Australia and went into a public toilet. Accidentally she walked into a toilet where there was someone else. The funny thing was - she saw that the person in there was balanced up, squatting on the toilet ! Now, that is surely a lot of trouble to go to. I assume that if you have been used to squat all your life, then you really KNOW how unnatural and difficult our modern toilets really are. After discussing this subject with a woman I met, she told me that she once dated a man from a South American country (I think it was Venezuala). He said that he was very angry at the Catholic church because before they came, everybody squatted. And after they came in, people changed to western style toilets and a high percentage of the population developed all kinds of health problems which they did not have before. It is especially important for children to squat. Place a raised area that is as high as the potty, or toilet in front of the potty, or toilet.
Try this for yourself - you may be amazed at the difference. I have a suspicion that if someone was to do some research, they would find that there is a correlation between height and incidence of bowel cancer. I believe the shorter a person is, the more likely it is that they will have bowel problems, because when they site their bowel, is even more bent than it is for taller people who can manage to lift their legs up a bit.



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