This is a follow-up on my earlier article on Sabah Snake Grass at
This grass is now grown in my own backyard, just as a past-time activity and they are not for commercial purpose. Indeed, it's more interesting to see them growing up, from small shoots to grown up plant.
Plucking them for consumption is easy. But it will take quite some time to grow back to a reasonable height again (before the next harvest). Those matured plants shown below, are around 3 months old.
This plant needs good sunlight and abundance of moisture. They need food too. Organic fertilizer such as 'compost' is still the best choice although it is quite expensive. I also added the residue of fruits (after blending) from time to time, including residue from yellow beans (after making tofu drink) etc. Try not to use inorganic fertilizer such as chicken dung, or goat's dungs, or even processed fetilizers.
This grass is now grown in my own backyard, just as a past-time activity and they are not for commercial purpose. Indeed, it's more interesting to see them growing up, from small shoots to grown up plant.
Plucking them for consumption is easy. But it will take quite some time to grow back to a reasonable height again (before the next harvest). Those matured plants shown below, are around 3 months old.
This plant needs good sunlight and abundance of moisture. They need food too. Organic fertilizer such as 'compost' is still the best choice although it is quite expensive. I also added the residue of fruits (after blending) from time to time, including residue from yellow beans (after making tofu drink) etc. Try not to use inorganic fertilizer such as chicken dung, or goat's dungs, or even processed fetilizers.
Nevertheless, here are some basic steps when planting them :
Harvest the stalks from the mother plant
Cut up each stalk into stems. Always leave their
'nodes' for the young plants to emerge later
'nodes' for the young plants to emerge later

Plant about 3 - 4 stems in each plastic bag
(if you are planning to reproduce them).
Did you see the young plants emerging from
the nodes ?
Before consumption, always wash them thoroughly
before blending, particularly those bought from
outside sources. This is to avoid sickness due to
E.Coli bacteria, if inorganic fertilizers have been
used, since they are eaten raw. Skin of your green
apple(s) have to sliced too, when added.
before blending, particularly those bought from
outside sources. This is to avoid sickness due to
E.Coli bacteria, if inorganic fertilizers have been
used, since they are eaten raw. Skin of your green
apple(s) have to sliced too, when added.
Drink within 5 minutes after processing (to avoid
loss of fresh nutrients) and for those who has
gastric, or any stomach problem, always drink
loss of fresh nutrients) and for those who has
gastric, or any stomach problem, always drink
it after food.
For those who is scared of coldness, or having a
weak stomach, you may add a few slices of
ginger to be blended together. The later will
For those who is scared of coldness, or having a
weak stomach, you may add a few slices of
ginger to be blended together. The later will
assist to provide a warming effect

Stage 1 : 30 leaves daily
Stage 2 : 50 leaves daily
Stage 3 : 100 leaves daily
Stage 4 : 200 leaves daily (100 leaves at each time)
Critical stage : 300 leaves daily (100 leaves at each time)
For Kidney patients
Those not yet dialysis :
120 leaves mix with green apple and cold water, after blend, filter and consume, once daily
Those dialysis once a week :
150 leaves
Those dialysis twice a week :
200 leaves
Those dialysis three times a week :
250 leaves
It is best to consume between 3pm-4pm
Recommended methods of preparation
1) Pour half cup of clean water in a blender
2) Add a quarter of lemon or half a lime (lemon preferred to avoid gastritis)
3) Wash the required fresh SSG leaves and put them into the blender
4) Peel a green apple and remove the core/seeds and cut into quarter and blend
5) Blend and drink immediately but SLOWLY within 5 minutes
Recommended pointers
1) Since herbal is very “cooling” especially for women, you may add a few slices ginger and blend together.
2) Do not wash SSG unless you are going to consume it. Keep in container that does not retain water.
3) It is recommended to chew a few leaves first to let the brain processes what we are consuming. This helps to avoid bloated stomach if the blended juice are swallowed or gulped quickly. This will also help to increase better absorption as the body can release the proper enzyme.
4) Do not consume 2 days before and after and during chemotherapy or radiology.
5) Do not consume together with other herbs.
Recommended food to avoid

Thanks to a generous contributor. I was given this recommended guidelines for end-users to follow :
Stage 1 : 30 leaves daily
Stage 2 : 50 leaves daily
Stage 3 : 100 leaves daily
Stage 4 : 200 leaves daily (100 leaves at each time)
Critical stage : 300 leaves daily (100 leaves at each time)
For Kidney patients
Those not yet dialysis :
120 leaves mix with green apple and cold water, after blend, filter and consume, once daily
Those dialysis once a week :
150 leaves
Those dialysis twice a week :
200 leaves
Those dialysis three times a week :
250 leaves
It is best to consume between 3pm-4pm
Recommended methods of preparation
1) Pour half cup of clean water in a blender
2) Add a quarter of lemon or half a lime (lemon preferred to avoid gastritis)
3) Wash the required fresh SSG leaves and put them into the blender
4) Peel a green apple and remove the core/seeds and cut into quarter and blend
5) Blend and drink immediately but SLOWLY within 5 minutes
Recommended pointers
1) Since herbal is very “cooling” especially for women, you may add a few slices ginger and blend together.
2) Do not wash SSG unless you are going to consume it. Keep in container that does not retain water.
3) It is recommended to chew a few leaves first to let the brain processes what we are consuming. This helps to avoid bloated stomach if the blended juice are swallowed or gulped quickly. This will also help to increase better absorption as the body can release the proper enzyme.
4) Do not consume 2 days before and after and during chemotherapy or radiology.
5) Do not consume together with other herbs.
Recommended food to avoid
- Sugar & sugary products; Dairy Products and Bird's Nest;
- Honey; Kembong fish especially Sting Ray;
- 7 angled fish; Chicken and Duck meat; Yam;
- Glutinous Rice; Margarine and Durians;
- Ginseng and other rejuvenating Herbs.
[Dairy products contain mucus that provides a conducive environment for cancer cells to grow]
Note :
There is a supplier now, who claimed she has begun to fill SSG (after grounded into powder form) into capsules for sale, to oversea users. This is a good start, as it will be able to help many suffering patients from all over the World.
Let's pray that this new found herbs can really help a lot and lots of people.
View her blog at
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