We know we should be eating more healthy greens. After all , they help us detox from pollutants, help balance our ph, provide protective antioxidants and are loaded with healthy vitamins and minerals. A tasty green that is in season right now is broccoli raab, and it's so easy to make! Have you ever eaten broccoli raab ? Also known as rapini or broccoli rabe, it looks like tiny heads of broccoli broccoli with lots of spinach like leaves. The entire plant of this cruciferous vegetable is edible including the leaves, broccoli buds, and stems. This slightly bitterish green ( the bitterness comes from the stem which I like) has always been popular in Italian and Portuguese cuisines. Fun Facts About Broccoli Raab I recently read an interesting article by Andy Boy's nutritional expert, Keri Glassman, about the valuable nutritional of benefits of eating broccoli raab! ( " 10 Fun Facts About Broccoli Raab " ) Her article reminded of the reasons I try to include ...