Do you want to eat more cruciferous vegetables and add low calorie soups to your diet ? So do I- This low calorie and delicious easy to make soup will fill you up while helping you lose weight! It was a cold Halloween night, so I made a fast and easy seasonal soup to keep us warm! For some reason, despite it being 75 degrees the day before, we experienced another cold Halloween. It was only 44 chilly degrees for the little ones to do their trick or treating. It's always been my custom to make soup for dinner on Halloween . I feel a big bowl of piping hot soup hits the spot before venturing out in the cold. My soup this year, was created from vegetables that I received from my organic CSA: Chinese cabbage, cauliflower, onion and fresh dill for the garnish. I blended in some white beans to give the soup some heartiness and at the same time make it creamy. My good friend and fabulous cook , Laura, who co-authored Food No Matter What! was visiting while I was making this soup. ...