I love to munch, the stalks of celery plant from time to time. Not much people would favor its taste, for fear of its scent affecting one's breath. The best way to enjoy its wide range of health benefits is to extract its juices and drink instantly. Best, is to add alongside with other range of fruits too. Since the good old days, most people would drink celery juices to fight off cancerous growth of tumors (a); to lower blood pressure (b) and cholesterol levels (c); and also to improve digestion and calm the nervous system. It is said to have high levels of Vitamins A & B, including a good source of important minerals, as well as folic acid, amino acids and essential oils. * (a) Celery juice is generally accepted for prevention of cancer, as it contains effective cancer-fighting compounds. Such compounds are believed to prevent the proliferation of cancer cells, namely; coumarin (which stops free-radicals from destroying cells and is best to guard against stomach and col...