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Menampilkan postingan dari April, 2014

Vitamin A Deficiency: The Effects And Symptoms That You Should Know

Vitamin deficiency A are found in some regions such as Southeast Asia, where rice that contains small amount of vitamin A, being the staple food. Some of the diseases that affect the ability of the intestine to absorb fats and fat-soluble vitamins, increases the risk of vitamin A deficiency disease is celiac disease, cystic fibrosis and bile duct obstruction. Usually, the first symptoms

5 Incredible Vitamin A Benefits And Function For Human Body

Many people think, the benefits of vitamin A for the eyes only. When in fact, vitamin A also serves to protect the body from the evil of cancer cells. In addition, vitamin A can also help in the formation of hormones in the body. Vitamin A is a vitamin that is essential for gene transcription and maintain healthy skin and vision. Vitamin A is found in two main forms, retinol and carotene. 

10 Vitamin C Foods (Fruits) That Higher Than Oranges

Vitamin C Foods. Due to the many benefits of vitamin C, then we need to pay attention to the daily needs of food containing vitamin C. The most popular vitamin C food is oranges, but there are still many other fruits and vegetables that can give us more vitamin C intake. Kiwi fruit for an example, based on USDA Nutrient data base, green kiwi fruit contains almost two times more of vitamin C than

9 Amazing Vitamin C Benefits Which Should Not Be Underestimated

Vitamin C has many benefits for human health, such as preventing various diseases caused by free radicals, boost immunity and various other great benefits. Vitamin C is one type of vitamin that is soluble in water and has an important role in warding off various diseases. This vitamin is also known by the chemical name of which is the main form of ascorbic acid. Some of the characteristics

Benefits Of Walking That You Probably Never Knew Before

Walking benefits is not popular as other exercises such as fitness and running. But actually, walking helps strengthen bones, weight control, and maintain the condition of the heart and lungs. Doing walk regularly and consistently is one of the most important factors in shaping a healthy physical activity program. Research shows that people who walk approximately 20-25 miles per week, more

Miracle fruit, or otherwise known as Synsepalum Dulcificum

I have this plant at home, which has amused many of my friends. Initially, no one believed in its ability to change anything that is sour in taste, into total sweetness. Until the person concerned have sampled it .. they will repeatedly asked ---> Why & How come ! However, do not be fooled by the fruit. It only changes the taste of your taste buds, at the time of consumption. The original taste of the said item, that reaches your stomach, will never change. Claimed to be good and safe for those, with diabetic problem. Never heard of any side effect to date. According to Wikipedia, this fruit is also known as Synsepalum Dulcificum. It is a plant with a berry that, when eaten, causes sour foods (such as lemons and limes) subsequently consumed to taste sweet. This effect is due to miraculin, which is used commercially as a sugar substitute. Common names for this species and its berry include miracle fruit, miracle berry, miraculous berry, sweet berry. The berry itself has a low...

Omega 3 Benefits For Health And Omega 3 Foods

One of the important benefits of Omega 3 is to prevent oral cancer and skin cancer. Researchers from Queen Mary, University of London, England, revealed that omega-3 fatty acids can help prevent the growth of malignant cancer cells, especially on the type of cancer that is commonly called squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Another benefit that is not less important is, prevent heart disease and

Calcium Deficiency: Effect and Symptoms That You Should Know

Calcium deficiency have a negative impact on the body. As with other types of nutrients, calcium has an important function for the body. One of them is to strengthen the structure of bones and teeth. Not only that, calcium also plays an important role in heart health and muscle throughout the body.What is the effect of calcium deficiency? Loss of bone density is very dangerous. Fragile bones can

Papaya Nutrition Facts And 7 Amazing Benefits For Health

Papaya provide tremendous health benefits, due to the nutritional content therein. Papaya has a Latin name Carica papaya and included in the family Caricaceae. The papaya tree is derived from the Mexican and usually planted in yard or garden. Papaya fruit is ripe, have orange or pink color. Has a sweet flavor and contains a lot of water.Papaya fruit flesh, can be eaten immediately when ripe, can

Dates Complete Nutrition Facts & Benefits For Health

There are many nutritional content on a date such as vitamins (A, B, C, E, K) and minerals, therefore, a date provide health benefits for humans. Recent research states that wet dates, have an influence controlling the rate of movement of uterus and increase the systole (contraction of the heart when blood is pumped into the arteries). Ripe palm fruit, very rich in calcium and iron elements.