Undoubtedly, adopting a lifestyle of a Vegetarian will surely render good health, on condition the person concerned knows how to balance his daily meals, including all the necessary nutrients required to energize his body constitution. As been well defined in the web page of www.eatingwell.com, they have listed the followings 8 key nutrients, namely : 1) Calcium This helps to build strong and healthy bone & teeth, and also helping nerve cells to transmit messages and muscles contraction. The best and biggest source of calcium is from all types of dairy products. Alternatively, it can also be found in vegetables such as : bok choy, broccoli & kale. ToFu (made from bean curd), bean sprout are also good sources, including fortified soymilk. 2) Iodine This is needed for metabolizing food into energy, including maintaining a normal thyroid function. Most varieties of seafood offers iodine and this particular nutrients are often been overlooked. However, for vegetarian, a good so...