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Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2012

什么是奇亚籽? [Chia Seeds]

For the benefit of Chinese readers, this is an extract from the website of The Chia Co. Anyone from Malaysia, who wishes to purchase and try this super rich food supplement, you can reach me through my email. The said item costs RM 150 per bottle (01 Kg), excluding cost of delivery. 奇亚籽提供了现代饮食中所缺乏的纯天然食品的营养。奇亚籽含有最丰富的植 物性营养 : Omega-3 和 Omega-6 脂肪酸 膳食纤维 蛋白质 抗氧化物 必需的维他命和矿物质 鼠尾草屬一年生草本植物,屬於薄荷家族,高度約1-1.2米。 * 從播種到生長成為鬱鬱蔥蔥的綠色植物,開出像薰衣草一樣的長形花朵。 奇亞籽花也是紫色的間或有少量白色的花。這些花朵發育成種子莢,結出奇亞籽。 奇亞籽(chia seed)起源於墨西哥南部和瓜地馬拉,用於人類飲食的歷史可以追溯到西元前3500年,它曾是阿茲特克人和瑪雅人的主食之一,並廣泛用於他們的醫藥、美容、藝術等其他方面。 得益於現代農業與醫學技術的發展,這種幾乎遺失的作物重新走入了人們的視線。目前在世界主流的綠色天然營養食品市場上常常可以找到奇亞籽。歐美國家稱讚奇亞籽為“神奇籽”、“超級籽”。 奇亚籽的益处 能量和营养 奇亚籽可以持续地向身体释放能量。运动员食用奇亚籽来提高耐力和帮助关节灵活性和肌 肉恢复。由于含有丰富的维生素B,可以帮助学生提高学习和记忆能力。奇亚籽含有的植 物性Omega- 3和 Omega-6成分是最佳比例,有助胎儿脑部和眼部的发育健康,DHA 和Omega- 3是世界卫生组织规定的胎儿必须的营养。 膳食纤维 奇亚含有 37% 的天然纤维,80% 是不溶性的,20% 是可溶的。奇亚籽是人类Omega-3 脂肪酸,抗氧化剂,和膳食纤维的自然植物来源,是所有植物中Omega-3 含量最高的; 蛋白质,脂质,膳食纤维和能量明显高于其他植物,可以起到预防肠癌、乳腺癌,肺癌等疾病,改善消化系统、保护您的健康。 维持体重 都市生活的人们对自身体重越来越重视...

Cancer Symptoms which most people ignored

It is just human nature why most people simply ignores the importance in going for regular check-ups to ensure that their health conditions are in the right order. What do they fear ......... don't they ever give a thought how their lives could be saved if their problem(s) is/are detected earlier. I need not have to elaborate on such reminders anymore, due I will be too willing to tell any of them, that it was due to their own negligience and faults, should they tell me that they are facing a late stage cancer striken sickness. Sometimes, it is not a good idea to just rely on tests alone to protect us from cancer, or related problems, although annual check-ups and tests such as colonoscopies and PSA readings (one type of cancer-marker) are important. Often, it is also important to listen to your own body and notice anything that’s different, odd, or unexplainable. Don't wait. Go and find it out. But, then again, how often we hear friends commenting that they will go when they f...

The Wooden Fish in The Temple

This is an important set of so-called praying instrument, used by the monks when chanting their Sutras. It is found in all temples and through times, many do not know what this item is called, neither many do really knew the purpose it serves................. A wooden fish (木鱼) sometimes known as a Chinese block, is a wooden percussion instrument. The wooden fish is used by monks and laity in the Mahayana Buddhist tradition. It is often used during rituals usually involving the recitation of sutras, mantras, or other Buddhist texts. The wooden fish is mainly used by Buddhist disciples in China, Japan, Korea, and other East Asian countries, where the practice of Mahayana, such as the ceremonious reciting of sutras, is prevalent. Many legends describe the origin of the wooden fish - most take place in China. One says that a monk went to India to acquire sutras. On his way to India, he found the way blocked by a wide, flooding river. There appeared neither bridge nor boat. Sud...

Benefits of Chia Seeds

  Scientific Name : Salvia Hispanica Origin : Mexico Common Names : Chia seeds Parts used : Seed, Leaf Vitamins : A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B15, B17, C, D, E, K, Choline, Folic Acid, Inositol, PABA. Minerals : Boron, Calcium, Copper, Iodine, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Molybdenum, Phosphorous, Potassium, Silicon, Sodium, Strontium, Sulphur, Zinc, Amylose (a slow-burning starch helpful in treating hypoglycemia), and Electrolytes. Chia has a very good ratio of omega-3 oil to omega-6 oil; with 20-30% protein, 35% oil, 25% fiber. Gluten-free and very low-sodium. It contains the important mineral 'Boron', a catalyst for the absorption of calcium. Domesticated in the valley of Mexico as early as 2,700 B.C., Chia Seeds served as a primary staple food of the Nahuatl (Aztec), Mayan, Incan and other indigenous peoples. One spoon of seed in water was used to supply sustenance for an entire day of hard labor. Related to the Nahuatl words Chiapan ( River of Chia ), and Chia (energy/stren...

Why do human have to cheat ?

They said, the human brain is the devil's workshop and they will come up with anything that will make them selling their souls to the devil. Even in broad daylight. As I was strolling at a market place one day, I was not amused when I sighted this weighing scale standing by itself (the owner was not around at that time). I became more angry when I saw the validation sticker (approved by the relevant authority) which reads 22 Sept 2012. Is the authority approving this scale since Day 1, or the owner manipulated it later ? Many questions started to run through my mind. Has the said authority, ever send any officer to conduct any check, in order to nab such unscrupulous hawker ? How come the guilty party is so daring to leave his measuring equipment unattended like this, without fear ? For a moment, I was telling myself ..... how much richer could the guy be, at the end of the day for risking such daring stunt. Will the money earned brings him any good ? Why is he feeding his family w...