Papaya fruit comes in the form of all sort of shapes. But, most of the times, they look like elongated melons, or pears. The common variety comes with huge amount of seeds, while the newer variety nowadays even comes with seedless. Most importantly, they must have an abundant volume of flesh. Papayas are abundantly found in most of our marketplace and are easy to grow. Besides, it is also a relatively cheap fruit. The flesh is deliciously sweet and its texture has a soft and smooth quality. * The papaya fruit itself , seeds, latex, and leaves are known to contain a toxic substance called Carpaine. This is an anthelmintic alkaloid which could be harmful if taken in high doses ( Carpaine, when consumed in large quantities, may lower the pulse rate and depress the nervous system). However, in other cases, an excessive consumption of papaya (such as red carrots too) can cause carotenemia (the yellowing of the soles and palms), which is otherwise harmless. Other nut...