What is Cancer - What causes it to happen - Why me - How to treat and find a cure .... What lead to their existence and continuity to prey on human .... everyone are still finding the right answers. Cancer is such a deadly word. It turns your world upside down when told that you had it. Irrespective of whether you are a male, or female, adult or children, rich or poor ... this deadly disease continues to kill, in spite of all the brains in the world trying to find a cure. In my years of practice ... a certain percentage does comes as hereditary from their parents' genes. However, majority are largely due to individual's lifestyle. To name the list of such habits, I might cover the whole blog and eventually, scare everyone's off. But, the most damaging amongst all, is our daily diet, such as the huge intake of meats, contaminated seafood, alcohols, smoking, stress, working or domestic environment. Adding to the above ... with the mad rat race in today's society, cancer d...